Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Have A Wicked Christmas

I have most of my prep. work done for my card and the glue gun is pluggeded in. Looking for the stapler this found some plaid paper (red and black) and the perfect rubber stamp. I plan on swiping the card with a vintage purple and black stazon ink. Got orange seed beads and a matching ribbon. Now safety pins to adorn the ribbon. A glue stick to position paper to card. Glue gun hot and oozing the glue to the the brass buttons. Gave up on staples..heheheh. I like the look added a title
and we are done. Hope you like my card. Total time: 45 minutes

This is a challenge over at Forever Night Creepy Challenge Blog. (Anything Goes)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Explaining Ink Blots

I have been rubber stamping for 25 years and have learned alot and have mingled into everything

related to stamping. Though a rubber stamp ink blot is usually made using an ink pad and rubber

stamps, you can have many styles when you stamp. Maybe you like flowers or birds or just use word

stamps to make a card or a tag. I have ventured into this unexplored area and find it is my muse.

Rubber Stamp Ink Blotting allows you to step out of the “box” and explore your natural creativity

like we once had as a child learning to hold a crayon. It is an easy process if you want to take the time

 and learn. I taught myself by experimenting with “shapes”. I wanted “movement” in my art and I am

 still trying to find this in inkings.

Not one of my ink blots are the same. I do not start by planning what I want to design, they just flow

freely onto the paper by positioning images onto paper using different angles —no rules are needed.

 Just like making an abstract painting, it cannot be easily explained or taught.

I am a self taught mixed media artist. I like designing zines, ATCs, art journals, cards, mingle in

vintage, grunge, pop art, abstract and artsy styles. I am considered a mood artist.

I have found a safe haven in art that no one else can disturb. It is a creative outlet that allows me to be

 myself through this filterless process. No restraints present; the fluid just flows in the neon liquid

pool that produces waves of natural vibrations. And I usually don’t title my work not to take the

mystery out of it
How do I design? With an open mind and an imagination! And if the art doesn’t have wings… I just

 add them!

Artfully, Jean.